The Trump administration would have to rewrite decades of federal architectural policy if it follows through with a leaked executive order, which the Architectural Record published in February.
I share these suspicions as a historian of. Although the executive order is in line with the conservative priorities of the current administration, I am concerned that it could stifle architectural innovation and reverse the recent federal support.
What is in the executive Order?
The order covers all federal courthouses, agency headquarters, and federal public building in Washington, D.C., and surrounding areas – the National Capital Region, and all federal buildings costing more than US$50,000,000 to construct. The order will apply to all new construction, renovations and additions of existing buildings.
The term ‘classical’ has many different meanings
The classical style was used to build many government buildings in the United States, from the White Houseto the Supreme Court Building. The executive order claims that the classical style, which is inspired by the architecture of “democratic Athens” and “republican Rome,” can “physically symbolize” the nation’s self-governing values. The order and NCAS, on the other hand, characterizes buildings built after 1962 as “undistinguished…uninspiring…and even just plain ugly”, citing popular opinion surveys as proof.
Obama’s backlash: More to come?
Donald Trump’s order notes that its purpose is to revive the founding fathers’ ideals. Its goal is to reverse the 1962 guidelines, which allowed controversial Brutalist buildings, like the J. Edgar Hoover Building in Washington, D.C., to be built.
The J. Edgar Hoover Building was constructed in the Brutalist architectural style. It houses the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s headquarters.
Since Trump took office, he has sought to roll back, undermine, and rewrite President Barack Obama’s legacy. It’s possible that the order was a reaction to the ” Building Boom,” which occurred under President Obama and was funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The Obama administration promoted a variety of innovative federal buildings during this time, including Kieran Timberlake’s U.S. embassy in London and the new U.S. Courthouse located in Austin, Texas.
The U.S. Embassy opened in London in 2018.
The structures were designed provocatively and with the latest advances in security. They also incorporated green building systems to reduce energy costs. Together, they portray a modern and technologically advanced federal government in the United States.
No matter what your view on classical architecture is, limiting designs to a single style ignores the varied tastes and ideals that the American people hold. This executive order will also stifle progress and innovation in the construction, architecture, and engineering industries.
The classical style is based on aesthetics and symbolism. Therefore, buildings of this type are less energy-efficient and more expensive than ” High-Performance Buildings,” which are centered around cost-effectiveness and sustainability, as well as aesthetics. The federal government, through organizations like the National Institute of Building Sciences and their Whole Building Design Guide, has been working in recent years to produce advanced buildings that set standards for industry and the world.
The administration’s mandate of classical architecture hinders the ability of architecture to innovate and solve real-world problems.