Can songs write themselves?

You may think that a song cannot write itself. Yes, someone writes a song. But this is not what I am trying to say. I find that the best song ideas come to me naturally, without any thought.

Michael Jackson said, “The biggest mistake that a dancer can make is to think.” You must feel. Whether you’re writing a song or dancing, being too analytical or self-critical will prevent you from reaching your potential.

Music is expressive and an art form. It doesn’t need to be forced or calculated. You’ll enjoy writing a song, and the process will feel very natural.

How does this happen exactly? You can learn how to write a song by yourself. This article will explore organic songwriting and share tips that I use to create a therapeutic writing process. Let’s get started!

What makes songwriting organic?

When performed without self-consciousness and with intent, songwriting is organic. It is a natural result because the artist has a ‘feeling for’ what they are working on.

Does songwriting always have to be organic?

Everybody writes music differently. Ideas come to me best when I experiment and have a foundation for my DAW. It’s hard for me to start writing with a blank canvas.

Others may prefer to write songs primarily behind an acoustic or piano. Every person has a unique process.

Sometimes, songwriters will have a vision of the song they are writing before they begin. Other times, they may come up with completely new ideas.

It doesn’t matter how an artist writes their music. What matters is that they allow themselves to express themselves and to let their ideas develop without judging or controlling them.

Forced is the opposite of organic. The forced songwriting process requires a highly analytical mind and one that is more focused on solving problems and perfection than creativity.

It will show in your songwriting if you are in a good mood when writing music. Here are some tips that will help you cultivate a natural writing process.

Encourage a natural writing process with these tips

Open your mind to new ideas

To have an open-minded mind, you must relax and stop taking yourself too seriously. Do not worry about what “should sound” or if you have to fit a particular mold. Try different sounds and techniques and build upon them.

You will likely discover new and unique sounds or melodies that work better than if you had planned everything.

You’ll be more inclined to focus on the positive aspects of the song you’re creating rather than the negatives or the things that don’t work.

You can remove your limitations by being open to new ideas and incorporating elements from different styles of music. You will be able to see things from a different perspective. You may even discover that you like something you previously disliked.

Accept imperfection

Everyone wants their song to be perfect. Spending hours on a song can be time-consuming and frustrating.

It’s normal for a songwriter to go through multiple edits and iterations. It’s important to keep in mind that no song will ever be ‘perfect.’ It’s important to remember how to engage your listeners with the material being presented.

You might miss the point of a song if you overthink and edit an idea. This will also lead you to focus on the negatives and not cultivate a healthy inner dialogue.

Relaxation is the key to success.

Relaxation is the key to fostering an organic songwriting. It doesn’t mean you have to be a slacker or that you can’t be critical when it comes to music. Instead, you need to be open to new ideas and inspiration.

Try not to set too high expectations when you are preparing for a songwriting session. Sometimes, it’s best to let the composition run its course and follow where the music takes you.

It can be a great way to discover new things about yourself and help you try things that you might not have done otherwise.

Let things happen naturally.

You should always trust your instincts and try something new if an idea isn’t working or doesn’t seem right. When something exciting or new catches your eye, go with it.

The creative process will flow more easily if you are open to new possibilities and try out new things.

Do not be afraid to explore uncharted territories. Follow a seemingly random thought for a bit and see where it leads. You could end up with something completely unexpected!

You can find creativity anywhere, and even when you are least expecting it! Let the music lead you wherever it wants.

Final Thoughts

I really enjoy the direction in which the music is going. But it’s not always the same. Like most people, I don’t get ideas all at once. When the ideas flow, I can write a complete song in one day. Or, should I say the song wrote itself?

This article should have given you some insight into how to foster a natural songwriting process. Be open to new ideas, and embrace spontaneity.

I also talked about the importance of cultivating an open-minded mindset and stepping out of your comfort zone in order to come up with something completely unexpected.

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